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The Best Video SEO Tips To Improve Your Online Reach

After the implementation of the various algorithm like Penguin and Panda the word search engine optimization became more popular. Webmasters began to try various options to optimize their website for search engine. The ultimate goal will be to get a better place in the SERP. When you want to make your website more popular there are various options available nowadays and SEO will be the first and foremost option.

Among popular types of contents, videos play an important role. It is proven that videos have the power to convey a message easily to users. Most brands give importance to the blog than videos and this is a very wrong concept. Videos are very powerful to convey your message to your customers.

In addition to the video, you can also try various forms of contents such as infographics, images, etc. If you can use video correctly it can save your content marketing strategy in many ways.

What is Video SEO?

Video SEO is nothing but the process of optimizing the video with relevant words and other options to get listed under top search results. There are many strategies you can follow to optimize your video contents for search engine. Most of them are useful for all types of videos. If you are someone who loves to appear in front of the camera then video contents can be more helpful for you.

Videos are very helpful to make content successful. It is a good idea to make videos on popular topics in your niche to be popular online. You can be a thought leader on your niche if you can provide a better and simple solution to your audience related to complex questions in your niche.

Videos were popular even back a few years. There was not that much competition then. Anyone who has a camera can record a video and publish it online. There were not many choices for the audience to watch a video and it was very easy to ensure a better reach.

But nowadays the popularity it has got is very huge. Video SEO is something you need to be done carefully. Just like content optimization you can take care of some factors associated with your video and make it optimized for search engine. Here are some better ways to make your video optimized for search engine.

Best Video SEO Strategies Every Marketer Must Know:

1. Have a clear goal:

There is no use of creating videos without any purpose. There are various types of videos and each of them has its own purposes. So, when you create videos it is better to define the goal and then start to create it. For example, if you want to create product awareness among the audience the type of video will be different from the one which is created to increase the sale.

Don’t think that just by creating videos you can get better visibility online. While creating one, you should know the purpose behind it. There could be many goals like

a. Increasing social shares:

The main aim of creating videos is to increase the popularity and number of social shares among the audience. When you want to get more social shares the videos should be meaningful and catchy. The audience should get something valuable from your videos and they have to share it across the internet by seeing the quality of it.

If you can create videos that can impress the audience, then the number of social shares and the popularity of it increases with it.

b. Increase conversion:

This could be another goal you can have when you create videos. To increase sales, businesses create videos related to the product. You can make this possible by including more product-oriented videos that can create more awareness in the audience.

You need to make videos which can attract visitors to your website and optimize it to get more visitors. Conversion can happen through videos on landing pages and rich snippets.

2. Choose the right platform:

There are many hosting platforms for your videos. The platform you choose should go together with your goals. It is a better way to analyze the goal before choosing a platform to publish these videos.

Choose YouTube and Vimeo which are the best options to publish videos if you are concentrating on general brand awareness. But when you optimize videos on that website most people check your videos instead of the contents. This can lead to losing many visitors to your website.

There are some platforms which can help you with more conversion. JSON-LD is one such tool which helps to organize the data in your video and structure it well. It will lead to getting rich search snippets also.

3. Add transcripts within the video:

You can also add the transcripts like subtitles within your video to make it more attractive. These subtitles will help the audience to understand what you are trying to say and have a chance to rank your video because of this transcript in it.

This can also make your video accessible to a large audience and hence the clickability will also increase. The best thing about a transcript is that they can watch the video without any sound if it has these transcripts in it.

4. Make the thumbnail image attractive:

Every visitor will check the clarity of the image you gave on the homepage of the video and click on it. If the image is beautiful, optimized and clear it has the power to increase the number of clicks. Video thumbnails are very important, and research shows that human faces in the thumbnail are more responsive than random images.

You must have to make sure to include attractive thumbnails within your video to get a better response from the audience. It should be relevant to the video content, attractive and with good resolution. Just like the title, it can determine whether people who visit your website will click on it or not.

5. Title and meta description are very important:

Title of your video is very important to make it more visible. A title is something which shows the content of a website and meta description gives a brief idea about the content. You can include some relevant keywords in your video title to get it to the top position of SERP.

Also, you can make it more relevant with suitable words. The meta description also should be more related to the content and should give a clear idea about the content of the video. You should research more on this and know what people want to see from your website and optimize your meta description and title accordingly.

6. Make sure to optimize the rest of the page:

If you want to make your website visitors happier you should concentrate on creating more relevant content to the title. Just by giving the title which is more popular is not enough for content to rank better. Users have to spend more time on your website, and they should find it useful. If not, there is no use in optimizing title and meta description.

In addition to making your title relevant to keywords, you can make better content. Competition is inevitable and you need to create excellent content to stand out in the competition.

7. Embed the video you want on your website:

Videos are more useful in ranking a website. You can include these videos on the relevant page to get more viewers and better ranking. You can include the video you want to rank first above because search engine crawlers won’t consider every video listed on a page. The first video gets more priority than others. It is not a good idea to include multiple videos on a single page.

So, you can include the video you want to rank first on your web page. Make the video focused so that you get enough attention for the video.

8. Make the video longer:

When you create videos around a particular keyword it is better to make it longer. It is very hard to get the audience attention and you should get within the first few minutes to keep them longer in the video.  Increase in bounce rate can affect your website very badly.

If you want to make more visitors, it is better to have catchy videos with interesting topics. Just by presenting something irrelevant to the topic cannot help you with better promotion. Make it more relevant, informative and long to get the response you want.

9. Mobile optimization:

More than 80% of people watch videos on their mobile device. If you cannot create a video which is optimized for the mobile device, it is very hard to outstand the competition. You need to make sure to optimize the video player for the mobile device to optimize your videos.

You can use various platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and all similar platform. We can say that a website without mobile optimization has no future. If you can spend some time optimizing them for the mobile device, it will be great for your website growth.

10. Upload videos on multiple platforms:

It is better to use multiple platforms to upload videos to get as much traffic as possible. YouTube is very popular, and you can find a good amount of traffic from there. You can upload videos to multiple platforms which can increase the exposure of your videos to so many people.

Social media promotion is also helpful to make the video popular. Other than YouTube you can use Vimeo and Dailymotion to get attention from people who use that platform.

11. Add a caption to your video:

Google will search for better captions to understand what the video is about. It is a good idea to add more text that describes the video you are publishing. It can help search engine crawlers and internet audience to know more about the video before watching them online.

Just like transcriptions you can add a better description with keywords with the video to make it more popular online. It can help the video to get more attention from the search engine as well as users.

12. Do your research:

Research is very important to be successful nowadays. You can do good research while making videos. It is always good to make videos on popular topics. You can also include what users’ followers want to know in your video. When they find what they want it can help you with the video promotion. Also, include keywords in your video title and meta description to get more reach.

Watch your competitors and see what the popular topics in your niche are. Try to make your video with more relevant result in the video which makes it popular online.

13. Interact with your audience:

You can interact with your audience through your video and make it more entertaining. It is a better way to know what your audience thinks about your videos. Take it in a positive way and try to make your videos better. It can help you to get a better name among the audience.

Internet users like videos that are more interactive and follow video bloggers who interact and answers to all their questions. You can also encourage them to post comments below your videos which make your video more active and popular.


These are some useful video SEO tips to make your videos popular online. It is not easy to make a video notable among thousands of similar videos. You can stay at the top of the trend and make more videos on trendy topics. When you take the ranking factors of a video number of likes, shares and active subscribers are very important.

If you can get as many followers as you can it is very helpful in getting a better ranking. Just like content marketing, you can do video marketing to make it popular among various platforms.

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