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How to Increase Twitter Engagement? Best Strategies

Twitter is one of the finest social media platforms. Imagine you publish your content on it, probably one of the finest content you have ever written. But despite this, no one is clicking on your provided link and even is not bothered to look at the graphic designed by you.

Why is it so?

Mainly, it is because there is a lack of engagement.

Whether it is Twitter or any other marketing platform, the key aspect is to maximize engagement on every content piece shared by you. Even if you are a genius brand, posting awesome content pieces, can’t guarantee you better engagement. You might even get frustrated when there is not a single hit on tweets posted by you.

It’s true that building social media presence and followers take time, but you can boost Twitter engagement only when you do it the right way. There are some techniques and strategies you can use to boost your Twitter engagement.

Want to know about these strategies?

In this post, I will share everything about Twitter engagement and the best ways to increase it.

Here we go!

What is Twitter Engagement?

Twitter is mainly about engaging with others, and hence, Twitter engagement can be defined as a point or situation when someone engages with your post or content. Since customers may interact in different ways, so Twitter engagement occurs when one or more actions take place for your post.

Therefore, Twitter engagement happens when any such action is performed by your users, and your traffic is engaged to the website.

Why Twitter Engagement Matters?

Before I delve into the details, let’s take a look at some of the important statistics.

All these statistics clearly reveal that there is an enormous volume of content posted on Twitter. However, not all of them are able to achieve sound levels of engagement. But for brands to succeed, it is important to avail high levels of engagement on Twitter.

Marketing efforts of most of the brands are measured on the basis of their Twitter Engagement level. Moreover, brands with a higher level of Twitter engagement can interact with the users and offer them benefits that can help their business grow.

One primary benefit that high Twitter engagement level serves to different brands is it helps them to develop and foster a strong relationship between the brand and the user. If users are interacting with your content, they are interested, and they might even share it too. This is really good and can happen particularly when you respond to your users, generate a conversation, and keep them engaged for a longer period of time as possible.

In addition to this, Twitter engagement can help develop a relationship between a brand and experts and peers from other industries. If you are sharing content, they may repay you at some point by connecting to you or sharing some of your content.

With more number of clicks on content, one can expect more traffic to the blog and website thereby boosting the levels of visitors, leads, and sales.

While some users may mention your post or brand in their tweets, others may retweet the post. No matter which way it is, you are only expanding your brand’s reach to a new and relevant audience for almost doing nothing.

Finally, Twitter engagement can boost results and in most of the campaigns, the engagement can help measure the results.

How to Measure Twitter Engagement and CTRs?

One good thing about Twitter engagement is that it can be measured. In order to measure Twitter engagement, you can use the Twitter Analytics tool that performs most of the reporting, which you require.

You can easily find the analytics by clicking on the profile picture in your account in the right-side corner and clicking it in the drop down.

Twitter Analytics let you see data on various aspects.

When you measure Twitter engagement, you must consider all kinds of engagement and see how your users are engaging. Because just like more engagement, it even matters the way users are engaging. For instance, if your content is receiving a high number of likes but not many shares, then definitely you will want to know the reason behind it.

Though Twitter Analytics is a great tool, still, using Google Analytics is mostly suggested. It is because Google Analytics offers in-depth reporting that can let you know about the users that are coming from Twitter to your website. Also, it lets you know what your users are doing once they are on your platform.

This way, you can closely monitor clicks, check ROI, value added by them, and off-site impact provided by the engagement.

Strategies to Increase Twitter Engagement:

1. Boost Retweets By Including Images:

To attract and engage your audience, offer them something that they can see in your post. One of the best ways to engage your audience and at the same time make your post better than your competitors is by including an image.

Some of the recent surveys reveal that sharing images increases retweets to a great extent. It is best to include a picture with a short textual content to make it appealing and informative at the same time.

2. Engage with Content of Other Users:

In order to engage other users, an easy way to begin is to always interact with them at the first stance. You can retweet and respond to content from other users. When you respond to content from other users, they will pay you more attention. This is something great that works for most of the brands.

This way, you can build strong social proof in less time, which is important for all social media platforms. Also, this increases engagement and lets you develop a strong relationship between the user and your brand.

3. Add GIFs and Memes to Grab Attention:

Another amazing way to boost users engagement is to use GIFs and memes in your content on Twitter. It is an excellent way to showcase the personality of your brand, stay trendy, and create fun posts.

The good thing is that including GIFs and Memes in your post is very easy on Twitter. You simply have to select an adequate GIF from the search box and enter it into the tweet box. This is a popular way to attract modern customers and expect more retweets and likes.

4. Create Concise and Brief Tweets:

It is best to keep your tweets concise and even Twitter limits the post to 140 characters. This is quite challenging, but can actually help you boost engagement. The 140 characters include user tags and hashtags.

With smaller tweets, it is expected to avail more value. You can share an opinion, inform, or entertain, while still being concise so that users can conveniently retweet it. If it is longer then it can be a pain for the users to share your tweet or to read the whole of it. To make users share your content, just make it convenient for them.

5. Announce Twitter Polls for Engaging Followers:

A lot of people on Twitter intend to offer their opinion. An excellent way to engage the followers is through Twitter polls. This is a great way to fetch valuable details about the customer base.

Moreover, this lets your followers know that you really care about their views and opinions that in turn helps to build loyalty and trust. Further, it strengthens your brand reputation and identity.

6. Share Multiple Links:

In order to avail more clicks to your website, the finest way to do so is by placing the links in your Tweet. Definitely, you would want to share a link to your highly valued content, but for sending traffic to the website, you must practice sharing content from others too.

Hence, if you identify rich content on Twitter, you must share it. Also, tag the user or brand to whom the post belongs, which they will appreciate. You can expect the same with your post. This is a fine way to foster relationships between your users and you or industry leading brands.

7. Promote Your Tweets and Brand by Participating in Twitter Chats:

Another finest way to develop users engagement for your brand is by communicating with people who have likeliness in similar topics or products. Rather than sending Tweets or messages, you can begin direct conversations with the help of Twitter chats.

Twitter chat is a conversation circulating around a single unique hashtag. With this hashtag, you can follow discussions and directly participate in it. usually, such chats are recurring and on particular topics to directly connect people with similar interests.

8. Plan Hosting Twitter Chats to Extend Your Reach:

As an alternative to the above-mentioned point, you can plan to host Twitter chats on your own. For a successful Twitter chat experience, you must be clear about your topic or idea and brief hashtag, which characterizes your brand.

Most importantly, select a time and date that you can regularly organize Twitter chats. Select an appropriate question and topic as well as promote the chat through Twitter. Select a topic, which is relevant to your users. Being a content marketer, you can select topics related to SEO, marketing, social media, or anything else.

9. Actively Respond to Your Tweets:

It is extremely important to respond to your Tweets on time, particularly for big brands or companies with a huge volume of engagement. And make sure you respond in the best way when someone tweets you.

A responsive Tweet is far more effective and powerful, especially if they have tagged or tweeted you in a post that can result in a conversation. If there are upset customers or criticism involved, you must respond to them fast. A fast response increases your chances of retweets and also boosts users engagement.

10. Pin Tweets to Your Best Content:

If there is an awesome Tweet, which you want your followers to see, you must pin tweets to your top page or profile. It will keep showing and remain there till the pin is removed. It is an easy and simple technique delivering great results to boost engagement.

Simply, choose your tweet and click on the relevant icon to pin it to the profile page. It is best to pin a tweet with an eye-grabbing image. It is like a free ad so you can also share your call to action. Moreover, you can include an important URL to the pinned tweet for receiving more engagement.

To Sum Up:

In order to boost Twitter engagement, you must try one tactic at a time. Analyze results from it and see the impression it creates on your brand and audience.

This way, try executing and analyzing all the tactics to see which works best for you. Practicing such tactics on a regular basis will let you build a strong relationship with your followers on Twitter and will boost Twitter engagement to a skyrocketing level.

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