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How to Become a Professional Blogger and Earn Money

In this twenty-first century, there is hardly anyone who is a stranger to the internet or even social media. With immense advancements in the field of technology, people can make use of social media on the go. However, blogging is not as simple.

It is considered by many to be both an art as well as a science. So if you have a blog and think that professional blogging could possibly be your calling, then here are a few simple ways of how you can become a professional blogger!

15 Best Tips to Become a Professional Blogger:

1. Think clearly and start a fresh:

One of the biggest dilemmas professional bloggers go through is thinking about what their blog is going to be about. There are obviously innumerable options to choose from, these options range from sports, health tips, fashion advice or even several societal issues.

You have to make sure then you choose to make your blog about something that interests you, something you have extensive knowledge in and something you are going to enjoy talking about.

2. Have a well conceived plan of action to guide you:

Having a concise plan of action helps when one undertakes any kind of job. Even so when choosing to become a professional blogger one must ensure that one knows what he or she is going for in terms of how many hours in a day will he or she be willing to work on the blog and the contents of it.

In addition to this, he or she should have some idea as to what they would like to achieve through the medium of this blog. All these are potent yet integral questions ever blogger must ask himself.

3. Be open to positive as well as negative views or criticism

The mark of a true professional blogger is that he or she is not afraid of putting forth his or her own opinion yet at the same time the individual is open to the views or criticism that other people might have to offer when it comes to a certain topical issue.

Bloggers must receive praise as well as criticism and grace however if as a blogger you notice that there are people that are constantly trying to put you down then you need not bother about them.

4. SEO is very important too:

Search Engine optimization which is popularly known as SEO does go a long way in helping to increase the traffic to your blog. The more visitors you have the more money you are going to earn. So this is certainly one area that professional bloggers must look into.

Google Ad Words is a keyword planner is a great tool that could help you by finding the best and most popular keywords that you could make use of in the course of your work.

5. Quantity is certainly not everything:

In this day and age, not everyone has a great deal of time at their disposal to go through a huge piece of writing, no matter how interesting or well written. Being concise and precise in the manner in which you express yourself could really help you a great deal.

Contrary to what many believe quantity is not everything, even if you have posted just a few meaningful lines you could certainly make a very powerful impact on your readers. Being to the point is a skill in itself.

6. Increase your vocabulary could improve your quality:

One of the key qualities that a professional blogger should have is a strong command over the English Language (or whatever language you have chosen to write in).

It is only when your vocabulary is good that your quality will improve and your style as well as language will become much more lucid. This flow and clarity of both thought and expression do not come overnight and takes immense practice and diligence on the part of the blogger.

7. Make your blog visually appealing:

This is one field where looks do matter. When you have a good looking well presented blog then you silently communicate to your viewers that you take a great deal of effort to ensure that your blog looks good at all times.

Making use of fun templates that are available online will certainly help take your blog to the next level. However make sure that you do not go overboard and make your page look garish as well as incredibly distasteful in the attempt of making it visually appealing.

8. Blog regularly to make sure people don’t lose interest:

There are two kinds of bloggers part time and full time. Professional bloggers are naturally full-time ones who should make it a point to post as often as they possibly can so as to ensure that the viewership does not decrease due to inactivity.

However, at the same time, professional bloggers should ensure that they do not simply update posts just for the sake of it as this is something that could negatively affect the popularity of the blog.

9. Let your blog appeal to the sensibilities of as many as possible:

Having a target audience is good, but remember that the wider the appeal of your blog the greater will be your viewership and traffic.

A professional blogger should ensure that as far as possible he ensures that his work is able to transcend the narrow boundaries of class, nationality, sex, race or religion. When a blogger is able to do this without much effort then this is the mark of a true professional.

10. Give it time and don’t expect immediate popularity:

Many a time in the career of a professional blogger it happens that he or she hits a wall, If this happens to you then you should not think of giving up immediately, It is natural and it happens to all professional bloggers. At the same time do not expect immediate popularity for your first few posts.

You must give it time. Just remember that if you keep giving your one hundred percent at all times over time you are bound to achieve great success.

11. Speak in a commanding voice and having no inhibitions:

Some of the most powerful blogs online are those where the blogger is willing to speak without any fear or inhibitions. When bloggers are able to speak without any fears or inhibitions then they are greatly respected by one and all. They use their blogs as powerful tools to help address issues that many choose to remain silent on.

12. Marketing your blog as much as you can:

Marketing your blog is of paramount importance in order to increase the viewership and traffic of your blog. The more time you invest in thinking of marketing strategies the better it is for you.

One simple thing that you can do is, attracting viewers by giving away free prizes, and this might be a small gift in the form of an e-book or even a magazine subscription. Such a marketing tool is very effective and is able to attract a lot of people.

13. Make use of social media as a powerful advertisement tool:

A professional blogger must be active on other social media sites as well. Social media is a powerful marketing as well as advertisement tool that could really help a professional blogger increase the traffic to his or her blog.

Making an online page or even tweeting could really help a blogger reach out to more and more people who otherwise might not have come across the blog while randomly browsing the internet.

14. Never resort to plagiarism at any cost:

Coming up with new ideas each time could be a challenging task however as tough as it might be at no point of time should you resort to plagiarism as you are bound to be caught.

Once your credibility as a professional blogger is lost then it is very tough to earn the respect of your viewers once again. So even if even if you take a day or two to conceive a good idea, it does not matter as long as it is something that you have come up with on your own.

15. Being completely honest:

Professional Bloggers are most often than not people that are very broad minded and they are willing to take up causes that many others shy away from. No matter how outlandish their points of views are they honestly express themselves and never bother to sugar coat their words.

Needless to say that professional blogging is certainly no easy task to handle however it is something that you genuinely have an interest in then you need not worry as your job is certainly not going to seem like a burden to you.

If you are good at what you do then you need not to worry as there is going to be someone to get up and take notice of you and your wonderful work. So following these simple steps could surely help you go a long way and even earn you a lucrative income.

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