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H1 Tag SEO: How to Use Heading Tags in a Proper Way

Content marketing has become one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for businesses. But just by creating contents, you cannot ensure maximum reach of your business.

It should be optimized for both users and search engine using the right optimization practices.

Have you heard about H1 tags before?

If you are a content marketer who wants to make your content acceptable for both the search engine and users equally then you should know about this term.

H1 tag is one of the least considering topics and most of the people who create content don’t even know what it means. But, this is a small element that can bring huge success to your content.

You cannot find so many articles that explain the use of H1 tags in your content. Many web developers and content creators ignore this fact that adding a good H1 tag to their content can increase its exposure.

Sometimes a small element in your content can bring huge success to it. H1 tag is such an element. Even though you made everything optimized for search engine and users, sometimes by creating a perfect H1 tag can bring success to your marketing efforts.

Those who don’t know more about H1 tags and its significance to your content should go through this article. If you get an idea on how to create a perfect H1 tag for your content, it can take your content marketing to the next level.

What is an H1 Tag?

H1 tags represent the headline of a content. When you create a word document there will be the main heading that indicates the topic you are writing about.

The heading will be in a larger font than the rest of the content. This heading is known as an H1 tag. When you put the same in a website, it guides the search engine to the content of your website.

The search engine will clearly understand the content that you are trying to explain from the heading part.

Other than H1 tag there are other tags like H2-H6. Rest of the tags will be like subheading of your content. But among all of the HTML tags, H1 is very important that can draw the attention of both users and search engine towards your article.

H1 Tag in HTML:

H1 in HTML is different from that of the normal content. When content is created in a website there will be a title tag or headline for that content. It can only be viewed when you analyze the source code of the content.

When you create H1 in HTML it will be like,

<h1>heading of the content</h1>

You can view the H1 tag of your website content from the source code. All you have to do is open the source code and press Ctrl+F. There you can type h1 and you can see it highlighted in the source code.

The Significance of H1 Tag:

H1 tag is very important to SEO. Many experts say that they increased website traffic just by changing the H1 tag. Creating a killer H1 tag can save your content and bring huge changes to it.

This is considered one of the major ranking factors. There are many SEO factors you need to implement for optimizing content. H1 tag is one of the most effective and important SEO practices that give you a better result
It can make your content notable to users and search engine at the same time.

Every content marketer works for making content equally noteworthy for users and search engine. By adding an attractive H1 tag relevant to your content, can attract more users to it.

SEO H1 Tag Best Practices:

Many websites use H1 tag in their content. But it is very important to use it in the right way to get the expected result. More than 80% of websites who got 1st rank in search engine result use the H1 tag to achieve that position.

Do you want to know the rules to follow while using H1 tags? Just follow these rules to make use of this tag properly to get the expected outcome.

1. One H1 tag for a Content:

There are many tags from H1-H6. But the H1 tag is very important than all other tags. One content should use only 1 H1 tag.

More than one H1 tag in the content will cause confusion to search engine and it will affect badly to your content performance.

Some content marketers use multiple H1 tags. They include relevant keywords with it to optimize it for the search engine. This will also work but t is always advisable to use one H1 tag to avoid confusing search engine.

2. H1 Tag Length should be in between 20-70 characters:

When you include an H1 tag for your content, make sure to keep it in a medium length. Too long and too short are not good for your content. When you use a long H1 tag it will consume so much space and is not advisable too.

Making it short sometimes won’t explain well about your content. So, it is always better to follow the optimum character length 20-70 characters to make your content more attractive.

3. H1 should be relevant to your content:

When you select an H1 tag, it should describe the content you are going to discuss. Sometimes it will be similar to the title tag of your content or the title of your article.

By reading the H1 tag of your website content users and search engine must understand the topic and details you are going to discuss in that particular blog or article.

4. Create a unique H1 tag:

Many websites use an H1 tag to stand out among competitors. Creating a normal H1 tag won’t help you to stand out among others. It should be unique, noticeable and relevant to your content.

It is always important to concentrate on its appearance on your website. User experience is very important when you add h1 tags on your website.

Use proper elements to make it attractive to users, it can help to bring a lot of traffic to your website. The look is always important to attract more users to your content. H1 tags also demand a better look to get the desired result for your website.

5. H1 tag should increase user experience:

H1 tag is one of the best elements to make your user experience better. User experience and SEO go hand in hand nowadays.

The H1 tag of your page should be unique and interactive. The user interaction with your page is a very important ranking factor too. Other than presenting h1 tag well you should concentrate on format and placement of H1 tag in your webpage to get a good result.

6. Use keywords in H1 tags:

Some SEO experts’ advice not to use keywords in your H1 tag. The reason behind it could be keyword stuffing.

Overstuffing your content with so many keywords can cause negative impacts to your website traffic. When you add keywords to H1 tag, make sure to add the right keywords in right place.

Long tail keywords will work better than short keywords here. Google encourages to use keywords to make their crawler’s job easy.

By adding keywords, you are letting the crawlers know about the content of your webpage. So, add keywords naturally with your H1 tag without overstuffing it. This can bring more benefits for your SEO efforts

7. Give what users want using H1 tags:

This is another important factor. User intent is very important to consider when you want to get their attention.

Give them what they want through your content by adding straight H1 tags. When they get what they look for users will be happy, and your traffic obviously increases as a result.

For example, if someone is looking for most powerful SEO tactics and when they get content based on it, this will increase your traffic and page rank. So, to achieve this first you need to know the intent of users and act accordingly.

These are some best SEO H1 practices you can follow to get the best results from your website.

How many H1 tags can I use per page?

This is a common debate that is going on among SEO experts. Some people say that only one H1 tag is enough for content and some other advice to use any number of tags as you wish. But which one is true?

Actually, both are fine. You can add the number of H1 tags as you wish on your page and Google won’t consider it as a big issue. But, there are some best practices to follow without creating any confusion to the search engine.

According to those it is better to use one H1 tag per content. You can decide about it while using because as a content creator you are the person who knows about the need for the number of H1 tags

SEO H1 to H6 – How to use HTML Headings Elements Properly?

As I said above there are 6 HTML tags that can be used in the website content. The most significant one is the H1 tag and the rest of the tags are less important.

Even though they are less important if you can use them properly it can create a great impact on your SEO efforts. All of them are valuable when it comes to search engine optimization. The order of using these tags will be like




<h4>New Delhi<h5>

<h5>Chandni Chowk<h5>

<h5>Red fort <h6>

This is the real meaning and structure of all title tags in the content. You have to add them properly to make it well arranged. Here are some points to remember while using HTML tags from H1- H6 in your content

Google confirms that they don’t give the top rank for content by just using H1 tags. The header tags will give a proper semantic structure to your content which is very good to make it.

Also when you use these tags, make sure to concentrate on adding some keywords to it. This can also give you a better chance of getting it ranked properly.

How to Conduct an H1 Tag Audit:

This is a very good practice to check the presence of H1 tags in your whole website contents. You need to use a tool to conduct the audit. Screaming Frog is a good tool to perform it.

You got the URLs of the content which don’t have an H1 tag. Duplicate the contents and start to create H1 tags for them separately. This audit is very useful for webmasters to know the presence of H1 tags in their while website contents.


Now you got an idea about the role of H1 tags in your content. Adding an H1 tag properly can benefit your content when it comes to its ranking and increasing site traffic.

Don’t take this factor lightly. Adding h1 tag can bring a good impact on all your SEO efforts. Make use of this factor to rank better and be successful in content marketing.

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